- Matura at the Cantonal School of Olten (1994-2002)
- Degree at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel (2002-2007)
- Internship at the Cantonal Office of Industry, Trade and Employment of Basel-Landschaft (2008-2009)
- Internship at the Civil Court of Basel-Stadt (2009)
- Internship at the Public Prosecutor’s Office Basel-Stadt (2009)
- Internship at the law firm Nigon Kull Burkart Partner (2009-2010)
- Bar exam of the Canton Basel-Stadt (2011)
- Certified Specialist SBA Criminal Law (2017-2018)
Practical Experience
- Attorney in the law firm Schweighauser von Wartburg Aeschlimann Maier (2011-2018)
- Partner in the law firm Dietrich Wunder Klingler Horni (since 2018)
Memberships in professional Associations and Commissions
- Swiss Bar Association (SBA)
- Basel Bar Association
- Forum Criminal Defence
- Pikett Criminal Defence
- Division of Criminal Law
- Association Child Attorneys Switzerland